The SelfLess Intent

The SelfLess Intent
We All HAd Trouble With Love & Others

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Time to ReBooT (PAy up stop lying) deficit does not include reparations, so F It !


Edited classroom experiment for project

By Miranda Booker Perry

United Nations, New York, 18 February, 2011 -
With 80 per cent of the world's people lacking adequate social protection and global inequalities growing, top United Nations officials are calling for a new era of social justice that offers basic services, decently paid jobs, and safeguards for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized.

"Social justice is more than an ethical imperative; it is a foundation for national stability and global prosperity," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a message ahead of the World Day of Social Justice, observed on 20 February. "Equal opportunity, solidarity and respect for human rights, these are essential to unlocking the full productive potential of nations and peoples."

Full story: =


Complete video at:

Common Good founder Philip K. Howard argues for a complete overhaul of United States bureaucracy. "America needs a new operating system," he says. Is it time for the U.S. to reboot ?
United States History of Racism Against Blacks

Philip K. Howard is a conservative who inspires standing ovations from liberal audiences (short example here). He says that governance in America -- from the capitol to the classroom -- has achieved near-total dysfunctionality by accumulating so many layers of piecemeal legalisms that the requirements of navigating them has replaced any hope of getting actual justice or effectiveness. Most attempts to fix the problems have made them worse. Howard thinks they can be fixed in a way that restores core functionality.

Invesigate Haarp cemtrails fema fluoride peace love climate change police state mayan spirituality free tibet china tyranny terrorism consciousness world war 3 "alex jones" "prison planet" "info wars" buddhism god truth justice knowledge wakening up wise truth vibrations the unified field slavery 2012 middle east history art revolution food crisis disaster inflation freedom history terrorism fluoridation science government occupation information deception paradigm matrix web law america recession depression nwo news forms particles creation thoughts the lion sleeps no more
Howard is the author of Life Without Lawyers and Death of Common Sense and is the founder and chair of Common Good, a reform advocacy nonprofit. - The Long No... more

 No Pensions for Ex-Slaves
How Federal Agencies Suppressed Movement To Aid Freedpeople

Please take a moment to hear what these young people are saying to us. Tougaloo College Owens Health and Wellness Center is proud to partner with Children's Defense Fund Southern Regional Office to fight for all children.

November 22, 1865 Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination

December 6, 1865 Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

In 1866 the Ku Klux Klan was founded by Democrats as a Tennessee social club. The Ku Klux Klan became a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy

Join Marian Wright Edelman and Geoffrey Canada as they announce new research on Black children in crisis on Thursday, January 13th, 9:30 a.m. EST, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Register to watch the event live at

June 26, 1857 Abraham Lincoln declares Republican position that slavery is "cruelly wrong," while Democrats "cultivate and excite hatred" for blacks


You must seek knowledge: Knowledge is to know and is the foundation of all things in existence. Knowledge is infinite. Knowledge is to know thyself and to know others. Knowledge is to know your surroundings, environment, the nature of life and death, animals, the solar system, the universe, the past, present, and the future. Knowledge is to know The Supreme One.
You must have wisdom: Wisdom is the manifestation of one's knowledge, the ways and actions one uses to make his or her knowledge known. To be wise, you must choose the right path, know right from wrong and teach others to be wise and set them in the right direction. , got this from (good site)these kids seen in this memorial

Understanding: You must have and get understanding. Understanding is when one draws a picture in his or her mind to see all things clearly with the third eye, the mind. To absorb what you get from knowledge and break it down so that you and all people will understand.
With these three elements of life, we must build a better world, teach the young and old, use natural resources to uplift the people, not to make individuals rich, but to put the Human mind back on the right path and get rid of sick racist mentalities.
Peace and Respect,

Rejecting the non-violent approach of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X explains: "One white man named Lincoln s... more

Message To The People Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, White People All Human Beings
And Aliens Too Universal Life Forms Of All Forms

We, the Universal Zulu Nation are an organization and a universal nation, for all people on this planet so called Earth, as well for alien life form of people in the universe, whether your from Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Earth, etc. We the Zulu's are not foolish people to believe that we are the only life in the universe and that the creator, (Allah, Jehovah, Jah, Yahweh, God or which ever name you wish to call the Almighty One) is only limited to producing LIFE only on the planet so called Earth. And if you do believe we are the only ones in the universe, then we should just get rid of science and base everything on falsehood and not even search for truth.

We as Zulu's of all races, colors, and creeds should study research on everything that's anything, and should always be thinking people and not ZOMBIES.
We as Zulu's who are from many different races, colors, and creeds should not be afraid to hear different views coming from humans or aliens from other planets. If one is a racist he or she still should be heard, If one preaches or teaches love, truth, science, o r whatever, even falsehood, he or she should be heard.
It is our duty as Zulu's and human beings to search for truth and nothing but truth. There are many who will hate The Universal Zulu Nation just because our organization is truly a multi-cultural organization and a nation for all people who wish to join, even aliens if they are for peace, unity, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in the universe. There are evil ones and groups who are secretly trying to bring chaos (problems of Hell) all over Earth and in the universe. But we must always keep up strong FAITH with ourselves and the Creator of the Universe. We do not need any middlemen or women to intervene between us and the Lord of all worlds.

We as Zulu's of the Universal Zulu Nation must always show respect to those who give us respect and must always be disciplined, but always alert watching, observing, looking (seeing) with our third eye (the brain) and always listening and analyzing.
In this age of time, all people on the planet so called Earth should study and talk to each other and try to understand each others ways of life and not use each other for another's advantage. We must know Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, and White history, true history and not falsehood history.
Good or bad, heal the wounds and lets move on to a glorious future, not a future of death and destruction.


Although republicans aren't big on providing a free ride to citizens of any ethnicity, They were founded by anti-slavery activists. In contrast, the democratic party was pro-slavery. Good ol' Abraham Lincoln was the reason that slavery was abolished and he lead the way in fighting the democrats succeeding from the union, and he won so that all blacks could be free.  President Lincoln was one of the first republicans to really reach out to minorities. He first stopped the growth of slavery, and then cut it off by the head. After saying no more slavery would be allowed, Lincoln said in order to save the Union he would accept slavery or denounce it to save the Union. However, his initial belief was to abolish it, and he was fearful when the democratic party started to succeed from the union to keep their slaves, choosing their own prosperity over the rights of others.

The notion that republicans are racist evolved from large numbers of allegations over time. For example, just recently there have been numerous allegations of the entire republican party being racist for making border access from Mexico cease and desist.  However, The Civil Rights Act of 1964 received 20% more votes from republicans.  I want everyone to be an independent, but democrats raged about racist republicans should really look at who has protected their rights.

Let's look at the first 3 black people placed in to major government positions. Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, and Condi Rice. Weird.

Who is Rush Limbaughs most popular fill in? You got it, a black guy named Walter Williams. A recent study of voting patterns from Yale found out that historically    25% of republicans are more likely to vote for a black GOP hopeful if they are black, in house races white democrats are 38% less likely to vote democratic if their candidate is black. It would have been better if they decided to poll republicans and democrats evenly for the 2 different polls, but it's still interesting data.

There was another study from a professor at Stanford on how much government largess democrats and republicans believe people deserved to be given a Katrina, and surprisingly democrats behaved in a racist fashion, yet the republican party was considered racist for not responding within 10 hours or so to organize their troops and drive in through the feet of flood water.

Often times, it seems to me that parties are very good at distorting views on issues and I am actually shocked that the democratic party ever had the gull to make these allegations.

My opinion is this, there are a going to be racists in both parties, however there are more in the democratic party - but they will never tell you that.

I am glad that the democratic party now has a black leader, but I really believe that they simply could not ignore Obama because he is probably the most eloquent speaker that American government has ever seen. He is a smart man in my opinion, I believe he is spending amazing amounts of money, and I don't know if that is the right choice. Time will tell, I would like to be educated more about the reasons that they required so much money - but that information may be hidden to protect our economy from collapse. The fact that the government has been buying up banks since the Bush administration leads me to believe we are on the edge of collapse, and I also believe that this money being pumped in is simply an economy collapse deterrent in hope that american innovation will off-set inflation and eventually get us out of this.

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