The SelfLess Intent

The SelfLess Intent
We All HAd Trouble With Love & Others

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fw: ThisBoyTV just uploaded a video...bUT mE (jUST TRUCKIN..gOOD EVENING)

Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

--- On Mon, 2/28/11, YouTube Service <> wrote:

From: YouTube Service <>
Subject: ThisBoyTV just uploaded a video
Date: Monday, February 28, 2011, 11:21 AM

ThisBoyTV just uploaded a video:

Democracy NOW! DN! Wisconsin - Hundreds of demonstrators continue the round-the-clock occupation of the Wisconsin State Capitol building in defiance of orders to leave. Capitol Police have refused to enforce Gov. Scott Walker's demand after hundreds of peaceful labor activists, students and supporters held their ground. We speak to Wisconsin Democratic State Rep. Kelda Helen Roy, who was among those to stay overnight in the Capitol building.Published with written permission from Provided to you under Democracy NOW creative commons license. Democracy NOW!, an independent non-profit user funded news media, recognized and broadcast world wide.

During l929-30, as a member of the Staff of the Social Science Institute at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, I interviewed more than l00 ex-slaves living for the most part in Tennessee and Kentucky. The oldest of these men and women had been exposed to slavery for 46 years while the youngest was only eight years old when the Civil War ended. Their intimate personal stories reveal attitudes and patterns of behavior about all aspects of plantation life. However, the area selected for emphasis here is that dealing with the slaves who refused to fit themselves into the role required of them.


Archaeology: Digging for the Truth of the Bible -
The Search for Sodom And Gomorrah -
Egyptian Discoveries Enlighten, Support the Bible -
New Artifact Supports Antiquity of Bible -
Thy People Shall Be My People, a 249 page book chronicling the autobiography of Ruth June Perl, whose life remarkably parallels the Book of Ruth as recorded in the Old Testament.

Hopeless End to an Endless Hope
Personal and True Testimony of Myron "Mike" Perl

Maurice Moshe Maurice
Maurice Levy: Sephardic-born Jew from Morocco: Hebrew and French teacher: speaks 6 languages more
This group of ex-slaves knew personally fifty slaves who "wouldn’t take a whippin." Thirty-five of these ran away in protest, often after a fight with an overseer; nine fought back and succeeded in thrashing the overseer or master; three others killed the overseer and one slave pulled his pursuer into the river to drown with him. Another committed suicide by jumping into a vat of melting iron because he was about to be caught and whipped.

5 Republicans denounce Democrat legislature of Mississippi for enacting “black codes,” which institutionalized racial discrimination(INSTITUTION YET EXIST AND WHAT HAS ME IN TURMOIL)

December 6, 1865 Republican Party’s 13th Amendment, banning slavery, is ratified

In 1866 the Ku Klux Klan was founded by Democrats as a Tennessee social club. The Ku Klux Klan became a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy.

'Political Morality' Dividing America

Music video by Sade performing Soldier Of Love. (C) 2010 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
A woman who was about to be sold away from her two children because she "wouldn’t be whipped" killed her children and herself on the eve of the pending separation. Another woman threatened to commit suicide because she had been whipped severely; after climbing down into a well, she refused to let herself be drawn up until the master promised not to whip her again. One master warned his overseer not to attempt to whip a slave called Henry Halfacre. When he tried, Henry knocked him unconscious. He was sold but "they sneaked him back again when the overseer was changed." In one case an overseer was killed in an unpremeditated group project, according to a Franklin, Tennessee ex-slave who at that time was old enough to be a regular field hand

Disclaimer Excerpts From The Book / Edited Especially For The Worldwide Web

This Book, “The Biography Of Noble Drew Ali / The Exhuming Of A Nation” (Renamed Noble Drew Ali / The Exhuming of A Nation - 3rd Heaven Adept Edition) and its Author, Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey, et al hereby disclaims any and all membership association to the various Moorish Science Temples (MSTA), Moorish Holy Temple of Science or facsimile subordinate branches, splinter groups, private or registered whose General Laws are an appurtenance to the jurisdiction of the United States Government et al. This Biography and its Appendix has the power to redeem an entire Nation of People, save the United States of America and guide the nations of the earth to true peace. The Book of Fire was not written by a functioning member of any Moorish Science Groups. Instead, it has been written by a dedicated patriotic Vanguard of the Moorish American Nation; a lawful and proclaimed people. There are disclaimers throughout my book; some are being edited here through The Seven Seals Publications. Included in these worldwide disclaimers are several warnings to heads and members of religious and civic organizations, especially the MSTA. Noble Drew Ali said “A friend will warn you.” These organizations, in no assumed fashion, have any power over me. Nor shall I willingly give a MSTA or other organized group power through membership to assume jurisdiction over my free national status

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