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The SelfLess Intent
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Monday, February 28, 2011

Fw: Russia + Usa + US (On The Money)Hoodworks Investigation Good Day

Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

--- On Sun, 2/27/11, YouTube Service <> wrote:

From: YouTube Service <>
Subject: RussiaToday just uploaded a video
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2011, 9:34 AM                                                                                                                      Fifthly, From the quakers: Because Slaves and Souls of Men are some of the Merchandize of Babylon by which the Merchants of the Earth are made Rich; but those Riches which they have heaped together, through the cruel Oppression of these miserable Creatures, will be a means to draw Gods Judgments upon them; therefore, Brethren, let us hearken to the Voice of the Lord, who saith, Come out of Babylon, my People, that ye be not partakers of her Sins, and that ye receive not her Plagues; for her Sins have reached unto Heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities; for he that leads into Captivity shall go into Captivity, Rev. 18. 4, 5. & 13. 10................................................................

: Labor unions are almost as old as America itself. Although primitive unions of carpenters and other tradespeople made an appearance in various cities in colonial America, the first national labor unions gained strength in the 1820s. During this time, workers banded together to reduce the working day from a grueling 12 hours to a more manageable 10 hours. In 1866, the Nation Labor Union persuaded Congress to cut the workday down to today’s eight hour standard.

Developing Russia's financial sector. With the global financial crisis of 2008--2010 underlining the need to develop the Russian financial sector, the call by President Medvedev to place Moscow on the map of global financial centers has met a range of replies -- from disparagement to support for what is seen as a legitimate need for corporate Russia. On the Money spoke with industry players to look at the issues involved. Peter Lavelle's guests are:
Alexey Moiseev, VTB Capital, head of macroeconomic analysis. Before joining VTB Capital's Research team Alexey Moiseev has worked as an analyst at both Russian and international financial institutions, after starting his career at the Central Bank of Russia. Prior to VTB, Moiseev was head of Head of Fixed Income Research at Renaissance Capital for six years.
Hawk Sunshine, IFC METROPOL, managing director; Portfolio Investments. Hawk Sunshine has worked in Russian capital markets since 1997 (for Sovlink, DeutscheBank, Rosinter). I... more

mediaite ABC’s This Week Governors Panel Gangs Up on ‘Cowardly’ Wisconsin Democrats (VIDEO) JN  

The United States Supreme Court is considering changing its laws for juvenile criminals. Right now the U.S. is one of the only countries where juveniles can be given a life sentence without the chance of parole if they're convicted of certain crimes. Many non-profit groups like the Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana say that conditions in juvenile detention centers in the U.S. are horrendous and don't help juvenile offenders get better. Louisiana has the highest number of kids getting locked up in the country, most are poor and black.

    You must seek knowledge: Knowledge is to know and is the foundation of all things in existence. Knowledge is infinite. Knowledge is to know thyself and to know others. Knowledge is to know your surroundings, environment, the nature of life and death, animals, the solar system, the universe, the past, present, and the future. Knowledge is to know The Supreme One.
    You must have wisdom: Wisdom is the manifestation of one's knowledge, the ways and actions one uses to make his or her knowledge known. To be wise, you must choose the right path, know right from wrong and teach others to be wise and set them in the right direction.

    Understanding: You must have and get understanding. Understanding is when one draws a picture in his or her mind to see all things clearly with the third eye, the mind. To absorb what you get from knowledge and break it down so that you and all people will understand.
    With these three elements of life, we must build a better world, teach the young and old, use natural resources to uplift the people, not to make individuals rich, but to put the Human mind back on the right path and get rid of sick racist mentalities.
    Peace and Respect,

      Dear lorenzo,
      It’s official, the asylum threw open its doors and inmates ran wild at the CPAC conference this weekend. Right-wing stars like Michelle Bachmann, Andrew Brietbart and Ann Coulter really fired up the crowd with a steady diet of wild, wacky, and weird.                                                                                                    The sentiments of the French Revolution also spread to America, where the members of the Boston Tea Party were all Freemasons. Benjamin Franklin, was a Freemason, the Grand Master of the Masonic lodge called Neuf Soeurs in Paris, and Grand Master of the Order of the Rosicrucians. The majority of the military commanders of the American revolutionary army were practicing Freemasons. George Washington was himself a high-ranking Mason. Among the fifty-six American rebels who signed the Declaration of Independence only six were not members of the Masonic Order. The American constitution was inspired by the ideals of Freemasonry, and every president of the United States has since puportedly been a 33rd degree Freemason. February 14, 1760 -- Birth of Richard Allen, founder in 1816 of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) denomination. By 1886, the Church was the world's largest denomination of African Americans. It had more than four hundred thousand members, nearly three thousand ordained ministers, more than three thousand church buildings, and had sent missionaries to Haiti, San Domingo, and Africa. In 1893 AME headquarters received a request from a group of Afro-Cubans to send missionaries to their island.                                                                                                                                                                   The Masons are regarded as the rightful inheritors of the Essenic tradition of Johannite Gnosticism from the Templars. Albert Pike, the great Masonic historian, believed Freemasonry to represent the ancient doctrines of the Aryan race, and according to Manly P. Hall, in An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic Philosophy, "Masonry came to Northern Africa and Asia Minor from the lost continent of Atlantis, not under its present name but rather under the general designation Sun and Fire Worship." Ultimately, Pike further mentions: "The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather disfigured by the Gnostics: it is guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars; and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry. Magism was the Science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and Zoroaster. It was the dogmas of this Science that were engraven on the tables of stone by Enoch and Trismegistus. Moses purified and re-veiled them, for that is the meaning of the word reveal. He covered them with a new veil, when he made of the Holy Kabbalah the exclusive heritage of the people of Israel, and the inviolable Secret of its priests."

      I dare you to show me a parallel of cruelties in the annals of Heathens or of Devils, with those of Ohio, Virginia and of Georgia—know the world that these things were before done in the dark, or in a corner under a garb of humanity and religion. God has however, taken off the fig-leaf covering, and made them expose themselves on the house top. I tell you that God works in many ways his wonders to perform, he will unless they repent, make them expose themselves enough more yet to the world.—See the acts of the Christians in FLORIDA, SOUTH CAROLINA, and KENTUCKY—was it not for the reputation of the house of my Lord and Master, I would mention here, an act of cruelty inflicted a few days since on a black man, by the white Christians in the PARK STREET CHURCH, in this (CITY) which is almost enough to make Demons themselves quake and tremble in their FIREY HABITATIONS. The False Gospel in the Stars, which is an expose of the astrological signs that will be used to validate the credentials of the Antichrist and False Prophet. Many projections concerning the identities of these personages are often disinformation calculated to deceive. Adding to the general ignorance, there is little information coming forth in the way of exposure of the Merovingian dynasty as the Satanic bloodline from which the Antichrist and False Prophet will come.  Whatever lipservice is paid to this subject is usually accompanied by enough misinformation to keep the masses of Christians ignorant of the truth.

      Rev 2:26 'And he who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations;


      Rev 3:1
      "And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars, says this: 'I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.

      I call upon the professing Christians, I call upon the philanthropist, I call upon the very tyrant himself, to show me a page of history, either sacred or profane, on which a verse can be found, which maintains, that the Egyptians heaped the insupportable insult upon the children of Israel, by telling them that they were not of the human family. Can the whites deny this charge? Have they not, after having reduced us to the deplorable condition of slaves under their feet, held us up as descending originally from the tribes of Monkeys or Orang-Outangs? O! my God! I appeal to every man of feeling-is not this insupportable? Is it not heaping the most gross insult upon our miseries, because they have got us under their feet and we cannot help ourselves? Oh! pity us we pray thee, Lord Jesus, Master. -- Has Mr. Jefferson declared to the world, that we are inferior to the whites, both in the endowments of our bodies and our minds? It is indeed surprising, that a man of such great learning, combined with such excellent natural parts, should speak so of a set of men in chains. I do not know what to compare it to, unless, like putting one wild deer in an iron cage, where it will be secured, and hold another by the side of the same, then let it go, and expect the one in the cage to run as fast as the one at liberty. So far, my brethren, were the Egyptians from heaping these insults upon their slaves, that Pharaoh's daughter took Moses, a son of Israel for her own, as will appear by the following. Our dear Redeemer said, "Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness, shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets, shall be proclaimed upon the house tops." TRADE A SLAVE with the POPE'S BLESSING ! via @youtube Check this video out -- CAPE VERDE SLAVE TRADE AND THE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL via @youtube

        How obviously this declaration of our Lord has been shown among the Americans of the United States. They have hitherto passed among some nations, who do not know any thing about their internal concerns, for the most enlightened, humane, charitable, and merciful people upon earth, when at the same time they treat us, the (coloured people) secretly more cruel and unmerciful than any other nation upon earth.—It is a fact, that in our Southern and Western States, there are millions who hold us in chains or in slavery, whose greatest object and glory, is centered in keeping us sunk in the most profound ignorance and stupidity, to make us work without remunerations for our services. Many of whom if they catch a coloured person, whom they hold in unjust ignorance, slavery and degradation, to them and their children, with a book in his hand, will beat him nearly to death. I heard a wretch in the state of North Carolina said, that if any man would teach a black person whom he held in slavery, to spell, read or write, he would prosecute him to the very extent of the law.—Said the ignorant wretch,* "a Nigar, ought not to have any more sense than enough to work for his master." May I not ask to fatten the wretch and his family?—These and similar cruelties these Christians have been for hundreds of years inflicting on our fathers and us in the dark, God has however, very recently published some of their secret crimes on the house top, that the world may gaze on their Christianity and see of what kind it is composed.—Georgia for instance, God has completely shown to the world, the Christianity among its white inhabitants. A law has recently passed the Legislature of this republican State (Georgia) prohibiting all free or slave persons of colour, from learning to read or write; another law has passed the republican House of Delegates, (but not the Senate) in Virginia, to prohibit all persons of colour, (free and slave) from learning to read or write, and even to hinder them from meeting together in order to worship our Maker!!!!!!—Now I solemnly appeal, to the most skilful historians in the world, and all those who are mostly acquainted with the histories of the Antideluvians and of Sodom and Gomorrah, to show me a parallel of barbarity. Christians!! Christians!! I dare you to show me a parallel of cruelties in the annals of Heathens or of Devils, with those of Ohio, Virginia and of Georgia—know the world that these things were before done in the dark, or in a corner under a garb of humanity and religion. God has however, taken off the fig-leaf covering, and made them expose themselves on the house top. I tell you that God works in many ways his wonders to perform, he will unless they repent, make them expose themselves enough more yet to the world.—See the acts of the Christians in FLORIDA, SOUTH CAROLINA, and KENTUCKY—was it not for the reputation of the house of my Lord and Master, I would mention here, an act of cruelty inflicted a few days since on a black man, by the white Christians in the PARK STREET CHURCH, in this (CITY) which is almost enough to make Demons themselves quake and tremble in their FIREY HABITATIONS.—Oh! my Lord how refined in iniquity the whites have got to be in consequence of our blood*—what kind!! Oh! what kind!!! of Christianity can be found this day in all the earth !



      Rev 3:8
      'I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name...10 'Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test THOSE WHO DWELL UPON THE EARTH.

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